Outlining Our Paths to Impact and Change
During February’s COVID Advocacy Exchange session, we launched the 2021 Working Groups, each focused on creating meaningful change in a high-priority area, including Health Equity: Racial & Ethnic Health and Healthcare Disparities; Health Equity: Access to Care; Patient Voice/Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD); and The Future of Advocacy.
As individuals experience these topics in different ways, our first Working Group session was focused on understanding meaning to establish a common baseline from which to grow. As we continue to build a strong foundation for success, our second Working Group session on March 11 will identify those people who are most impacted in each of these areas, and the stakeholders we need to engage to create meaningful change. We welcome you to review the key insights from the February Working Group session in preparation for this upcoming gathering about creating our future, together.

Gary Nolan
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Neil Bertelsen
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Neil Bertelsen
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